The true cost of doing it wrong

We are watching concrete being poured today. It’s like watching a baker make a cake or a florist prepare flowers.

The client spent a significant amount of money to tear up the floor, lower it, level it, insulate it, and have us install Uponor radiant heat tubing.

This is a radiant heat system in a 125ft x 54ft barn. We computer generated the layout and installed it using Creatherm S45 insulated panels. 

The job costs X amount of money regardless of who does it. No matter how free or cheap someone does a job for you, the concrete company costs money, the tubing supplier needs to get paid, and the insulation and wire mesh isn’t free.

So the cost of doing the job is really X+Y. What’s the Y? The Y is the incremental difference between the lowest bidder and the one doing it right.

Cats have 9 lives, but you only have one shot at radiant tubing. That’s before the flooring gets poured or installed. 

Plumbing, heating and cooling services are not commodities. You get what you pay for.

Your Main Man, 

