Pre-Season Maintenance

Old school is old school. In fact, the guy we worked at yesterday was old school to the point that he talked about how when he worked on cameras years ago that if the screw was slitted they knew it was put together by hand. If it had a Phillips screw, they knew it must have been assembled by a machine.

He joked about a friend of his that was so old he used to say, “At my age I don’t even buy a ripe banana”.

But this man had his priorities straight. 

And he wanted his boiler leak free.

When the clock hit 8:00am my phone rang.

In an older man’s voice, “Moe, this is Mr….. are you coming today?”

I’m here thinking,”It’s hot outside. I have places to be and he wants me to fix a boiler?”

Enough persistence, and I show up.

He doesn’t have a car, and he eats dinner at about 5pm sharp. He goes to bed on time and wakes up at the crack of dawn.

Nothing wrong with that!

So I tell him to hang out.

If you’re spending a couple hundred bucks, you want to see what you’re getting for that.

He was so old school that I had to call him back downstairs because he didn’t want to be watching over my back.

A few hours later the boiler was repaired. We made all the dripps stop. We also made all the items that weren’t dripping and were supposed to, drip.

The relief valve was clogged.

The water feeder was clogged.

The expansion tank bladder was ruptured. 

There was no air vent so they bled the radiators every season a few times…. Another old myth.

Be like this man.

Don’t wait until mid winter to make your heat calls that you knew about. 

Benchmark your system today during a proper pre-season maintenance. 

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