Are You Prepared for a Power Outage?

Yesterday we delivered a tow-behind backup generator. Click here to see it.

You wake up and shout, “Alexa make me a coffee”. You take a shower and get dressed. You merely think about cooling or heating up your car, and your car does it. Well, that’s all a bit far fetched. However, my simple 2020 ford explorer allows you to schedule starts from the app so you can get into a vehicle that is perfectly set to your desired temperature and playing your favorite tunes.

You’re connected to your devices all day. When the power goes out you’re inconvenienced. You are forced to become primitive.

There are staples of life like running water and sewer pumps. One client unfortunately runs on both so not only do they not have fresh running water, but the sewer can’t be pumped to the road. It’s all fine and fun if you’re a bachelor or newly wed, but he has a 1 month old kid and older kids too.

I’m thinking of the list of items I may miss when the power goes out.

I won’t miss my TV because I don’t watch that piece of junk.

I would miss my Wi-Fi. There’s something to be said about my NETGEAR spaceship looking router that gives me in excess of 800MPS.

There would also be:

No surveillance cameras; neither the nest or the wired ones.

No lights.

No AC.

No hot water.

No dehumidifier in the basement. 

No pump in the event that there’s a flood.

No charging your Tesla, if you have one.

No food in the freezer because after two days it’s garbage. After day one you’ll have to throw a big BBQ so all the food doesn’t go to waste!

No charged laptops.

Sleepless nights if it’s hot and humid.

Also, if you have a security system the battery only lasts so long. And no one would be coming to help you because the outbound line would be dead due to not having a router. 

On a good note: Lots of quiet time. Maybe I could go out and see some neighbors I’ve never seen before while pulling a tree with my Sprinter Van.

It’s fun for a few hours. Then you say, “Let’s get back to reality.” And if this all happens during a corona lock down, even more fun.

“No one is coming to save you” is the motto I live by. I’m sure it seems weird to the average Joe, but I don’t like being inconvenienced. I carry two flashlights. One always burns up before the days end.

I’m starting to carry two phones (different services of course). Phone service is spotty in the hills. We work on hills and in basements built like caves.

I will be making a few videos on generators.






If there’s something you want to see, let me and my team know!

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